What people say about working with Chris:
“I was recommended to Chris by a friend who had success with some of his issues by seeing Chris. My issue was trying to accept a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease that could affect the rest of my life. I found Chris very intuitive and easy to talk to starting with the very first session. She was my cheerleader and showed me how to cope with the overwhelming feelings I was having about myself and what the future might hold for me.
“Chris Lyon has been instrumental when I needed to make changes in my life. I first met her several years ago when I was transitioning out of a twenty year marriage. Then she provided enormous help when I wanted to create a new career path. A few years later, Chris was there again to provide advice for a new relationship. Her frank but respectful style is always just what I need. She has made me aware of how little value I was placing on my own needs, and now I understand that I deserve more out of life.
With Chris, I feel like I have an advocate – someone who encourages me to be true to myself and to trust that anything is possible. It never feels like I am being told what to do. Rather, she listens and offers options – then together we discuss what makes the most sense for me. I think one thing that Chris does best is to help me see that previous decisions had been made out of habit, from false beliefs I had about myself or others. Now I see through new eyes.
Finally, Chris is a real person – we’ve had a lot of laughs, especially when I get caught trying to make choices in line with the “former” me. She does not want me to settle for second best anymore! I am now on a career and life path which I truly love. I am forever grateful to Chris, who has made a major impact on my life. I will always have her number in my phone – just in case!”
Sheila Shuster, Self-Care Coach, Writer
I wish I had met Chris Lyon sooner than at the age of 49. After talking to her once my entire life finally made sense. I always wondered why I physically felt things so much more than other people. Why would I feel things emotionally deeper than my peers? Chris explained why; I am a highly sensitive person. Knowing this has changed my life. Chris’ help for me did not stop there. I have suffered with debilitated anxiety since a young age. I went to therapist after therapist, bought tapes and read books, but nothing helped. After one hypnosis session, my anxiety was manageable, after three hypnosis sessions my anxiety was gone. She is clearly phenomenal and it is obvious she truly cares about her clients, and it shows in her work.
At one of my appointments, I was sharing with Chris about my teenage son. I was concerned he was having trouble making friends which was affecting his confidence and how he was bothered by his habit of biting his nails. Chris said she would be happy to help. I am happy to say my son is not biting his fingernails anymore and he walks with confidence and is making friends effortlessly. I am so grateful.
Chris has been such a huge help for me personally and with my son, there is nothing she can’t help us with. There is no issue to small or big Chris can’t find a solution for. If you ever thought about hypnosis or seeing a life coach, Chris is your answer. You will not be disappointed.
“Through hypnosis, I was able to learn to relax and to not accept my diagnosis but to work with it. I listen to her CD, which I was certain was made especially for me. It hit all the key points I was experiencing and helped me see it for what it is, a new me. She gave me ways of dealing with the stress I was feeling. Chris got me over the hump of a very scary part of my life but with her help I am seeing the future as a challenge and not the end of the life I so desperately wanted back. I will always appreciate her for getting me through that difficult time in my life. It is an everyday battle to stay positive but with her help I have come a long way.”
“Hi Chris. I wanted to let you know how much our short time working together has helped me. I continue to listen to your cd and read up on HSPs, and direct my subconscious to have more confidence, self love and acceptance and to make my boundaries clear. I would love to have you make me a personalized hypnosis cd, or mp3…Thanks again.”
J.C., consultant, homemaker
“My husband was a minister of a congregation. One of the young men in our group had no parents and his first memory was jumping out a window when he was little. He didn’t know how old he was, where he was or who he was. Chris Lyon was a God send to us because she helped him with regression therapy. He found out that he had been in a large house with many children and many adults who cleaned. There was one doctor who gave the children medicine water. The children spoke different languages. One day a man came and threw him into the trunk of a car and took him to another place. In the therapy he saw a flag which helped us determine a possible location. Through the regression therapy, we were able to trace locations that we have found on Google Earth.”R” is now getting more of his memory back and tracing his life back across his journey as a child. Chris really has been of great assistance to us in helping Roger and we can’t thank her enough.”
“I don’t care how much this costs, it has been worth every penny…this woman has changed my life.”
R.S., Business Owner, Computer Specialist and Electrical Engineer
“I have been a client of Chris Lyon’s since the spring of 2008. I have worked with her for two main issues in my life, first on my relationship with my girlfriend and then on my lack of self esteem. My lack of self esteem has led me to spend the majority of my adult life trying to please others to the point of allowing myself to say whatever most wanted me to say. Through the guidance of Chris I have learned how to both deal with this issue and to correct it.
Chris has been a great educator for me and her technique has proven to be greatly effective. She has the ability to allow you to understand, see and work towards what your issue is, and also to see why it occurs. Chris has shown more professionalism in our relationship than any other coach I have dealt with. She has never once been judgmental of my issues and shows great compassion while we work through to positive results.
My relationship with my girlfriend has dramatically improved in many ways, thanks to the work Chris has put in. I have never felt more comfortable in dealing with situations that require difficult conversations and answers.
I have only had one session with Chris in hypnotherapy. I entered the session with a positive thought and with the guidance of Chris, the results were fantastic. I anxiously await my next session and would encourage others to allow Chris to help them in whatever areas they need.”
JSL, Real Estate Developer
“I was on the brink of divorce. I just couldn’t handle his aggressive anger and inability to communicate. We have been married for nearly 24 years; we have a 23 year old son, so I have a lot invested in our marriage. I was so sad and hurt yet as I near 50 I felt the need to live as my true self, not someone controlled by her husband. I tried to see my part in all the fighting but truthfully I could not.
I was stunned when my husband agreed to see Chris Lyon! He said he never would go to counseling, coaching or facilitating, not even to save our marriage. Thank God he said he would give it a try. Chris has the gift of insight and intuition combined with knowledge and experience. She made us both feel comfortable to discuss our issues. We both felt truly understood quickly. Guess what? It turns out that there were a few key things that I had no awareness of that were my part of our problems. And guess what else? My husband was able to see where I was coming from, free of judgment, for the first time ever!
A few key things Chris taught us about were the concept of dominant and submissive partners. I think of it as your basic old-school relationship. I had always seen it as a negative thing that my husband ruled the roost and that I did all the background work. It turns out that dominant doesn’t mean controlling and submissive doesn’t mean weak. We each play a crucial role that is our natural way of being. It turns out that while my husband is a warrior he needs reassurance from me that I am there for him, on/at his side. He has gained the knowledge and ability to realize that I am very different from him. I see, do, feel differently than him and that is a good thing, it brings balance to the relationship. Chris has taught us how to communicate our needs simply yet effectively.
Words cannot describe how happy I am that I no longer think of divorce. Our son is thrilled to see us getting along so well. Of course you can’t change 24 year old patterns of lack of communication, fighting, being defensive, etc. in a month’s time but it is amazing how learning to listen, understand and accept can change everything. I am crazy about my husband and I now know he feels the same way about me. I am deeply grateful to Chris Lyon for facilitating the changes that have saved our marriage and brought joy back in our lives. Chris is a one of a kind woman, a person who really “gets” other people and has the skills to guide them to their best life.”
J.C., wife, mom and business partner
“Dear Chris, I don’t know if you will remember me, but I called you regarding a love situation. I fell in love with a man who was in a (non-romantic) relationship with another lady who he had lived with for 10 years…I needed help in separating myself from him…through your hypnosis and sincere heartfelt coaching each week, I was able to tell him not to contact me any longer because if he kept writing to me, I would never get over him. You gave me confidence and also helped me let go of my heartbreak of my on-going-grief from the sudden loss of my darling husband 3 1/2 years earlier…I just wanted you to have the proof and satisfaction that your hypnosis and coaching truly works. I was strong and confident in how I felt and never wavered! Bless you,”
“Thank you, thank you…the (hypnosis) CD worked her magic. I listened to it, or should I say interacted with it, twice a day, twice the morning of surgery and several days after. Use it for settling down now that i am home. I have a few post surg. issues that are part of the healing process. Once they took the self directed pain pump away, I refused all narcotics with no adverse affects. My awareness is clear and I am leaping for joy and with copious energy. Thanks for your gifts.”
D.W., Artist
“Chris helped me assess my leadership style, organizational structure, and work flow habits to make changes that improved my ability to lead a national trade association. My company grew from…half million dollar budget to a two million dollar budget in less than 6 months. I could not have brought the organization through that transition successfully without her insight and support. Executive coaching works!”
Michelle L. Freridge, Executive Director, Free Speech Coalition, Inc.
“Chris Lyon has been my life coach since 2007. I see her individually for personal issues, and together with my boyfriend for relationship coaching. The combination of Chris’ non-judgmental support, effective coaching techniques, suggestions, and hypnotherapy sessions has allowed me to overcome many tough challenges in my life that had been holding me back and keeping me from moving forward in a positive direction. Chris has guided me to approach things (divorce, family, love, career, etc.) in new ways, and replace thoughts and actions that weren’t serving me well with fresh, new thoughts and ideas that work! I have actually been able to go off of anti-depressants, and my relationship with myself and others has never been better. I continue to seek Chris’ guidance, as growth is always a process, and I know I can assuredly count on Coach Lyon to be there in my corner. She truly cares and is dedicated to giving her best to her clients, so that they may realize their best selves.”
K.B., Executive
“Chris, I wanted to personally thank you for yesterday’s session. Out of every professional we have seen so far, you have been the best and most productive, single session that we have had. Both my wife and I discussed that on the way home last night. You definitely have a gift. Thanks Again,”
D.K., Construction Superintendent
“Chris, First the most important thing I want to convey, you are the first “valuable help” I have gotten in 3-4 years…you have been the one who has had the ability to grasp the concept of my issues to begin to help me. Thank you isn’t enough.”
J.L., Entrepreneur, Mom
“Chris has a presence about her that immediately invites confidence. She displays a rare combination of experience, insight, and intuition and serves as an example that difficult beginnings do not have to mean a desolate life.”
Debra Kintner, Psychologist
“Chris and her life coaching has helped me think positive and by using the affirmations that she’s given me through hypnosis and suggestions, my life has seemed to take a 360 turn for the better. Knowing that I belong in the world of successful people and envisioning myself accomplishing my goals has landed me in a top position in every aspect of my life. I would recommend Chris to everyone, especially when you want to fully embrace life.”
Pamela Ryan-Hick, Writer, Swimmer, Mom, Dental Hygienist, Professional Counseling intern
“Hi Chris, You may or may not remember me but, you helped me through a difficult time (as you do so many people)! To refresh your memory, you helped me through the Vodka compulsive drinking habit I had. The good news is that I only drink about 3 or 4 times a year now… and I stick to wine. Even when I have had a vodka (maybe twice) I can’t stand it… so, I just don’t drink it! Thank you for that! 🙂 DANGER ZONE! LOL!”
D.I. Real Estate Executive
“Chris, I just wanted to send you a thousand thank you’s because I passed my final, I actually did better than a lot of the top people in the class. I went in without anxiety and I did beautifully.”
Carol N., Nurse
“Thank you for all you have done to help me. I truly have just experienced the best performance appraisal meeting of my entire career – and I could not have done that without your assistance! You are wonderful. The world should be full of more people like you!”
D. Steed, H.R. management
“I am still on track…and I feel better than I have in the last five years. I cannot tell you how there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you and how fortunate I was to have found you…I am indebted to you eternally. Thank you again.”
T.O., Financial Manager
“We would like to express our profound gratitude to you, for all that you did to assist us, in working through a major marital crisis. We have come out on the other side, stronger, happier, clearer, and more eager than ever, to face the new adventures that awaits us. Your gift of truly listening and hearing, helped us to understand things about each other that would have otherwise been missed. Also, your ability to zoom in on the issue at hand and offer insights of profound clarity, have helped both of us move forward, and through issues much more quickly and effectively. Chris, what a gift you are to us! We will never forget what you have done for us.”
T. C. international theatre performer
“Chris has made an incredible difference in my business. Her perceptive look at potential problem areas has helped avoid costly mistakes. She has helped me personally in understanding how the employee sees the same situation differently from my view. In this way communication has vastly improved and the staff and I are happier. She is a most extraordinary coach. I whole heartedly recommend her work.”
Dr. Carol McCalment, M.D., NMD, Resort Spa Owner, Private Practice Doctor
“This past year, I was able to be acquainted with Chris and was afforded the wonderful opportunity to learn so much from her. Chris is totally wonderful and talented in helping one revolutionize their thinking with brand new bold and creative ideas! She is able to inspire one to work with the small ideas they have and to help those ideas manifest themselves into greater achievements. During this time, she encourages patiently, helping one to realize that all of this is a process and that the journey is just as important as the destination. Chris is a terrific mentor and coach… encouraging one to be patient with themselves. She is also very caring and empathetic… listening with an open heart. She has been a tremendous asset to me and I continue to look forward to keeping her as one of those treasured gifts to my life.”
Dolores Thayil, Educator
“Chris is an amazing person with so much understanding and empathy. I truly believe she saved my “doomed” marriage. She gave me the tools my husband and I needed to find success in our relationship. I thank her everyday for getting me through my hardships in my new marriage. I consider it a miracle that I landed on her website and found the courage to call her. I tried a few different therapists and she was the only one with real advice and encouragement. Thank you Chris for being here for my husband and I when we needed it most.”
“When it rains it pours, well in my life it did. Death of a family member, lost a relationship and my job all within a very short time. My life felt completely out of control and lost. Thankfully Chris was able to help me see a whole new world for myself. Her diverse modalities and insightful ways of having you look at the real picture are just incredible. I was able to break old habits that I wasn’t even aware that I was doing and create new opportunities in my life. THANKS Chris you’re awesome.”
K. B., Consultant
“Chris has a wonderful gift for listening and dissecting your issues, with an ability to help guide you down a more productive path. Chris is full of good ideas that will make you consider things that you’ve perhaps not thought of. I have known Chris very several years now and would highly recommend her for your coaching and hypnosis needs.”
Mike – Shubic Web Design
“I attended sessions with you last summer regarding a swallowing problem I had, that problem has pretty much gone away! The reason I’m contacting you now is because I’m 8 months pregnant and I’d like to visit you to get a tape that will help me to prepare for labor … to help me relax and help me with labor related pain.”
N. L., Information Technology Executive – and New Mom
“I have been seeing Chris on a weekly basis for the past 18 months. During the first visit, Chris taught me self-hypnosis that ended a lifetime of violent nightmares. Hypnosis has helped me immensely in areas of self-control, mental & physical healing, and confidence. She continues to coach me in the art of communicating with others so I can maintain open and positive communication. Thanks Chris.”
Lee Kitchens, Retired Veteran and Executive, Gold Canyon.
Contact Chris